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Knowing opening variations.

They are the structure of your opening knowledge, the starting positions of proven lines, and the center of all talk. Skip them, and your knowledge is only bits and pieces.

So many variation names!

Sure. The number was 1327 once. Today there are more than 3000 named opening variations. Learning that from deep-diving material, such as books and videos, takes ages.

Overview with chess trees!

These learning posters show all openings in comprehensive chess tree diagrams. You learn on the fly by just looking at them. A little from afar, and a lot when you step closer.

Chess tree with the named variations of the Nimzo-Indian defense

An overview for every chess opening

From a distance the variation tree offers a general idea about a chess opening system: Its sub-systems, the amount of opening theory in it, and maybe some important opening variations with prominent labels.

Explore lines and discover variations

If you step closer, the chess tree will allow you to study opening systems in detail. Follow move lines to their named variations, compare positional diagrams and evaluate available options. Based on these insights go and expand your own opening repertoire.

Close-up variation tree with French defense detail
A beautiful tree with many branches

As many branches as a real tree

3,000 named opening variations, right? Learn how these fit onto 22 posters while still being part of a coherent chess tree.

Imprint: Raymond Stäß, mailto: raymond@chessmaps.de (see Privacy for details)